All Collections
Collect, store and access employee details and documents
Charlie can store documents, salary & payroll info, key dates and more
Adding documents to team member profileStore essential documents such as contracts, visas, job descriptions and references on a team member's profile with customizable permissions
Adding documents to officesYou can score office or country specific policies such that only users in those offices have access
Upload and store key documents in your company profileStore company wide documents such as policies, document templates & newsletters, accessible to all employees or specific permission levels.
Changing permissions on documents
Creating a Document Folder
Deleting a document folder
Linking to external documentsInclude up to date links to documents stored on Google Drive, Sharepoint, Dropbox and more
Uploading & Accessing Payslips on CharlieHow best to store payslips on Charlie
Custom cards for team member profiles πLearn how to store additional information directly on team member profiles!
How to populate custom cards on team member profiles πLearn how to fill in custom cards on your profile or for another team member!
Create company notesAn easy way to store simple information available to everyone
Create notes for office pagesLearn how to signpost important information on company & office pages for your team!
How to Report on Team Diversity with CharlieHRLearn about the process of gathering diversity information in CharlieHR, and how to communicate this to your team
Understanding our diversity information categoriesLearn about the diversity categories you can gather information on, and the questions your team members will be asked.