Part time: Half day working weeksHave part time workers? Easily set this up in Charlie!
Set up the amount of holiday people have takenMoving to CharlieHR midway through your holiday year? Make sure your team have the correct amount of holiday allowance!
Part time: Hourly working weeksHave some team members who work fixed hours per week? Easily set this up in Charlie!
Change a Team Member's Time Off AllowanceEasily increase or decrease your team member's allowance in CharlieHR.
How hourly leave is calculatedLearn how Charlie calculates pro-rated leave for your hourly team members.
How we calculate pro rated leaveOnboarding a new starter or have someone leaving midway through the year? This is how Charlie calculates their pro rated leave.
Part time: Turn Off Hourly WorkingHow to disable hourly working for your team members