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How hourly leave is calculated

Learn how Charlie calculates pro-rated leave for your hourly team members.

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over a week ago

Super admins/admins/team leads can onboard a new starter in Charlie and if a start date was entered for your new starter during the onboarding process Charlie will automatically pro rate their holiday based on that start date.

The personal allowance is calculated by multiplying the weeks of holiday, with the hours worked in a week, multiplied with the proportion of the holiday year they have been employed. The answer is then always rounded up to the nearest hour.

Weeks of holiday * hours worked per week * ( Days employed / Total days in holiday year )


Weeks of holiday * hours worked per week * ( Days employed / Total days in holiday year )

Sam's company offers 6 weeks of holiday (30 days total), they work 10 hours every week and their allowance has been pro-rated as they joined the company half way through the holiday year. Because of this they are entitled to 30 hours of holiday, rounded up from 29.91.

Note: Hourly allowances are rounded up to the nearest upper hour e.g. 62.05 is rounded up to 63 hours.

Click here to learn how to manually adjust time off for team members!

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