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Part time: Half day working weeks

Have part time workers? Easily set this up in Charlie!

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over a year ago

Note: Only Super Admins/Admins/Team Leads can do this

In Charlie, you can set up working weeks for team members that differ from your company default working week to accurately manage team members' holiday allowance and time off bookings. This article is all about setting up team members who's holiday allowance is counted in half days. If you're looking for hourly working weeks you can find how to set this up in this article here.

Charlie will automatically pro rata holiday allowance based on set part time working weeks and the date the working week comes into effect. You can view all team members' time off allowance on their Profile->Time tab.

If a full day's holiday is booked on a day a team member works a half day, only a half day will be deducted from their allowance. The same applies if a public holiday falls on or full day's leave is booked on a day they don’t work at all - no day will be deducted from their allowance.

To change someone's working week:

  1. Head to a team member's profile.

  2. Click on the 'Settings' tab.

  3. Scroll down to the 'Working week' section.

  4. Input the days and/or half days the team member will be working by click on each square box

  5. Input the 'Effective from' date - this is the date we will use to calculate when the pro rated allowance starts.

  6. Click on 'Review changes'.

  7. Once you're happy with the new working week, then simply select 'confirm changes'.

You can't edit a working week once it has been applied. If you need to make any changes to an existing working week, you will need to click the bin icon in the right hand side and create a new working week.

Interested in hourly working weeks? We've now offer the ability to manage leave in hours - you can read more about it here!

Check out our public holidays article for how to set up your company allowance to manage public holidays for your full and part time team :)

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