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How we calculate pro rated leave

Onboarding a new starter or have someone leaving midway through the year? This is how Charlie calculates their pro rated leave.

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over a week ago

Pro rated leave for a new starter

Super admins/admins/team leads can onboard a new starter in Charlie and if a start date was entered for your new starter during the onboarding process Charlie will automatically pro rate their holiday based on that start date.

The calculation is based on the number of days that employee will actually work, using the given start date as a proportion of the number of days they would have worked had they been with the company for the full leave year as well as their working week (if they work a full week or are part time). To find out how leave is pro-rated for hourly team members click here.

(days remaining in the year/total days in the year) *company default leave* working day proportion

Example: (182/365) * 30 * 0.8

This company offers 6 weeks of holiday (30 days total). The team member onboarded on the 3rd of July, they work 4 days every week and their allowance has been pro-rated as they joined the company half way through the holiday year. Because of this they are entitled to 11.97 days of holiday which is rounded up to 12 days.

Charlie will show the team member’s adjusted holiday allowance on the team member’s Time tab in their profile.

Note: The working day proportion is made out of the team member's working day divided by the amount of days in your default working week - this is 5 for most companies. For example: 3.5 working days / 5 = 0.7 and 5 (full time) / 5 = 1

Pro rated leave for someone leaving:

When a team member is offboarded by an admin or super admin in Charlie, their pro rated holiday will be displayed on the Time tab of their profile. An offboarded employee’s holiday allowance is calculated as:

default allowance * (days they worked in the year/365) = pro rated allowance, +/- any manual adjustments

Manual adjustments are intentionally added or subtracted on top of the pro rated allowance. This is because manual adjustments are not considered part of that team member’s base allowance, but rather a specific, one-off adjustment such as TOIL or carryover days.

Pro rated leave due to multiple holiday policies

When a team member is moved from one holiday policy to another with a different allowance, Charlie will automatically pro rate their holiday allowance. Each allowance amount is pro-rated based on the number of days the team member was assigned to that policy. These are then combined to give the full holiday allowance for that team member

Below is an example of how a team member's personal allowance is combined from two pro-rated holiday policies.

Holiday policy

Policy allowance

Date applied to team member

Total days:

UK workers

20 days

Jan - June

10 days (rounded up)

French workers

30 days

July - Dec

15 days (rounded up)

Personal allowance total

25 days

This calculation will work alongside any team member joining or leaving part way through the year, as well as anyone with a part time working week.

When assigning a new holiday policy to a team member, you will see a preview of the impact the new policy will have on that team member's holiday allowance.

Need to check a team member's allowance without actually offboarding them?

You can use our Holiday Calculator here!

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