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Set up your team's holiday allowance

How to set and manage your company allowances, automatic carryover limit, and setting your public holidays

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over a week ago

​Note: Only Super Admins/Admins can do this.

When setting up your Charlie account, it's important to make sure that your time off settings reflect your company holiday policies. Charlie will automatically begin creating your default holiday for you, you can update and edit this from the Time Settings page.
When creating a holiday policy you can set:

  • The holiday allowance (unlimited leave or a set amount)

  • Whether public holidays are included within your overall allowance (included/ not included in the allowance)

  • Setting your company's limit to the amount of days that can be carried over at the end of your holiday year

These allowances are also used to pro-rate holiday for your new starters, as well as anyone leaving your company. A new starter is automatically assigned your default policy.

It's possible to create multiple holiday policies if you offer different allowances or holiday rules for specific groups of team members, such as international offices. You will then be able to choose which policy each new starter is assigned to when adding them.

How to create your company's holiday policy

  • Expand 'Time' in the left hand side navigation.

  • Click on 'Settings'

  • Under 'Holiday policies' edit your Default policy or click 'Add Policy'

  • Set the Name, Allowance limit, Public holidays & Carryover and hit save!

  • All done!

Things to remember

To let Charlie automatically take care of pro rata allowances through the year, make sure you've set:


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