Note: Only admins or super admins can create a review cycle.
In Charlie, a review cycle is the period of time you set for review participants to complete all 4 steps of their review:
1. Reviewee submits their feedback and responses to the prompts/questions
2. Reviewer submits their feedback and responses to the prompts/questions
Optional (include peer feedback)
3. Meet and discuss the feedback
4. Reviewer inputs final meeting notes including any actions and decisions.
Once you have created a review cycle in Charlie, on the day of the review launch all participants will receive an email letting them know the cycle has begun. Participants also receive an email reminder half way through the review cycle and each time feedback is shared with them in the review.
All reviews will then be locked at the end of the cycle- however an admin or super admin can always extend a review if necessary.
Admins and Super Admins will be able to create and see all review cycles for the company in all states (upcoming, ongoing, ended).
Team members can only see review cycles that they are a participant in once the review has launched.
These review cycles can be seen on the Grow tab->Reviews-> Activity page
Draft- Draft of a review cycle that has not had a start date or end date set
Coming up - review cycle has not yet launched
Starting today - review cycle launched today
In progress - review cycle has started and has five or more days left
Ending soon - review cycle is ending within five days