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Completing a review as a reviewer

If you have been chosen as a reviewer in a review cycle, the below article will walk you through the steps you need to follow to ensure this is completed correctly.

Becky Jolly avatar
Written by Becky Jolly
Updated over a week ago

Note: Only Admins and Super Admins can launch a review cycle, but anyone can be chosen to be a reviewer.

A review consists of 3 main parts:
1. The reviewee submits their self-evaluation

2. The reviewer submits their feedback on the reviewee (they will also need to gather peer feedback if this has been selected)

3. The reviewer and the reviewee meet to discuss their feedback, before the reviewer submits their summary.

You will receive an email stating you've been added as someone's reviewer to an open review cycle - you can either access the review by clicking the button in the email, or, whilst in Charlie simply click on the Grow tab in your profile. Here, you will be shown all reviews that you're a part of (either as a reviewee or a reviewer):

You can see here when this cycle opened, and when it will close - this is the time frame you're working to. Simply click on the title of the review, and you'll see the following page:

Note: To learn about gathering peer feedback as a reviewer, please head to this article.

You will notice that the reviewee's self-evaluation is not clickable for you - this is because Susan is yet to submit this feedback. As soon as she does, you'll be able to click on this to view her submission.

The first step is to click on the bubble titled 'Your evaluation' - you will be taken to a page that will ask you questions (chosen by the Admin who launched this review). Add in your feedback and once happy, click Submit.

Note: Once feedback has been submitted, it cannot be edited so please ensure you're happy with your answers.

Before submitting, all answers will be saved in draft form automatically, so please don't feel like you need to rush this and complete it all in one go - you can take your time!

Once both you, and the reviewer, have submitted feedback, you can arrange a time to meet (whether in person or virtually) to go through all feedback. After this meeting, you need to add your summary in the final box titled 'Meet with X to discuss all feedback'.

As soon as this feedback has been submitted, you've done everything you need to do!

Note: Whilst the review cycle is open, only the reviewer and reviewee will be able to see submitted feedback. Once the cycle is closed (on the chosen end date), the feedback will be visible to Admins and Super Admins.


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