Note: Only Account Owners and Account Admins can add and manage agencies
Manage users in an existing agency
Head to Settings - Company - Agencies - Click on the name of the agency - Users
The invited users will then appear in that same section. If the invitees have not signed up or filled their information, their basic fields will appear empty and you will have the option to resend their invite.
Clicking on the number of candidates they have submitted will bring up the profiles of these candidates.
Deactivate a recruitment agency
If you are no longer working with an agency, you can deactivate them by heading to Settings - Company - Agencies - Deactivate
Deactivating an agency will not delete it from your account, and will only "pause" the ability to collaborate through Recruit.
You can simply reactivate the agency when needed through the same page.
Upload your agreed terms
Head to Settings - Company - Agencies - Terms - Upload.
Update your existing terms
Head to Settings - Company - Agencies - Click the three dots - Change Terms.