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Adding a recruitment agency

Set up your recruitment agency to allow them to submit candidates to your jobs

Ciara Miller avatar
Written by Ciara Miller
Updated over 2 months ago

Note: Job listings should be created before adding your hiring agencies.

Adding a recruitment agency on Charlie Recruit allows you to collaborate in the hiring process with individuals that are not part of your organisation. When creating a new agency, you will have invite users to access your Charlie Recruit for the first time, but moving forward they can just be added to a role during the set up of the listing.

Add a recruitment agency

Head to Settings - Company - Agencies - Add New Agency.

You can fill in all the information such as their name, rate, and any terms agreed between you and them.

Then, you can add to that agency the role that they will be involved in recruiting for, as well as the agency users who will join your Charlie Recruit.

If you'd like to see the level of access agencies will have, please see our article here.

Storing agency terms

To add or update the terms you have agreed with an agency, you can head to Settings - Company - Agencies - Terms - Upload.

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