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Managing Team Member Access

As a Charlie Recruit Account Owner you can easily manage who has access to Recruit from Charlie, here's how

Jenny Tattum avatar
Written by Jenny Tattum
Updated over a week ago

Note: Only Charlie Recruit Account Owner's are able to add and remove team members from Charlie Recruit.

For more information on the different access levels in Charlie Recruit, please click here.

If you're looking for information about how to change the permission levels for your team, please click here.

Adding Team Members to your Charlie Recruit Account

As an Account Owner, you can add team members to your Charlie Recruit account directly from the Recruit page in Charlie. Click 'Add people to Recruit' --> select the team members you want to grant access to --> click 'Add people'

When you add a new team member, their default permission level will be 'user'. You can change their permission level at a later date if you wish.

This will put their account in a 'pending' state so their names are in blue. They'll receive an email to 'activate their account' by accessing Recruit.

Once they've done this, their name will show in beige and you'll be abele to change their permission level in Recruit, too.

Removing Team Members from your Charlie Recruit Account

To remove a user from Recruit, go to People with access on your Recruit page --> Find the person who's access you wish to revoke --> Click the x next to their name. They will no longer have access to Recruit, but you can re-invite them at a later date.

They will no longer have access to Recruit, but you can re-invite them at a later date. If they had any roles assigned to them, ownership will default to the Account Owner.

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