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Connecting Charlie Recruit to Slack
Connecting Charlie Recruit to Slack

How to connect Charlie Recruit to your Slack account for notifications of important activities

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over 6 months ago

Charlie Recruit has an integration with Slack that allows you to receive notifications in Slack about key events related to your job and to remind you to take an action if desired.

For example, you will be notified if:

  • An interview has been scheduled, rescheduled or cancelled

  • You’ve been added as an interviewer for a job

  • A job or offer has been approved

  • It’s time to fill out an interview scorecard

  • Your job hasn’t progressed for 7 days

  • And more!

How to integrate Slack with Charlie Recruit:

Please note: You are unable to integrate Slack if your access level is Reviewer. Speak to your Account Owner to upgrade your access level if you believe this is something you need.

  1. Head over to Recruit from Charlie and click on the Settings cog

  2. Navigate to Integrations and select My Integrations

  3. Click the “Connect” button next to Slack

  4. You will be navigated to page

  5. Follow the prompts to allow access for integration

You will receive a success message to let you know you have successfully integrated your Slack account with Recruit!

How to update your Notifications for Slack:

  1. Head over to Recruit from Charlie and click on the Settings cog

  2. Navigate to Integrations and select My Integrations

  3. In the top right hand corner, click the “ALERTS” tab

  4. Check or uncheck the options for the Slack platform to turn notifications on or off

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