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User Roles

Find out about the difference between permission levels inside Charlie Recruit

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over a week ago

There are four main permission levels in Charlie Recruit - Account Owner, Admin, User and Reviewer.
โ€‹These do not directly map to the user permissions for Charlie HR which you can read about here.

Account Owners can (must be a CharlieHR Super Admin):

  • Manage account provisioning for their team from CharlieHR (adding and removing other team members from their Recruit account)

  • Complete the key setup tasks for their account, such as agreeing to the Privacy Policy

  • Access all other product features at Admin-level

Admins can:

  • Manage all jobs, candidates & talent pools

  • Customise their careers page

  • View all reports (account-wide)

  • Receive relevant notifications in Communication Centre

  • Adjust and manage default templates and create custom templates

  • Manage team, agency, and client-level integrations

  • Access all other product features at User-level

Users can:

  • Manage personal jobs, candidates & talent pools

  • Receive relevant notifications in the Communication Centre

  • Enable personal profile integrations

  • View templates and create/edit custom templates

  • Access all other product features at Reviewer-level

Reviewers can:

  • View jobs that have been assigned to them

  • Participate in interviews

  • Fill in scorecards for candidates

  • Receive relevant notifications in the Communication Centre

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