As part of your hiring process, contracts may not be the only document you require a new employee to sign. Through Recruit, you can share multiple documents with candidates to sign electronically, and all those documents will be synced with Charlie when the candidate is hired.
Sending a document for signature
Head to the profile of the candidate you would like to send the document to. Then, click Other - Send E-Sign Request, and choose whether you would like to upload a completed document, or use a template (see here for more info on creating templates).
You can then fill in the details of the signers, and the email text you would like to accompany.
Setting up a document template
To create a template, head to Settings - Recruitment - Contract Templates - Create Template.
You can then upload the contract document you want to use for your template, and add the signer roles you would like for that contract.
Once done, you will then have the option to add fields into your template, to be completed when sending out the contract. Each field will be assigned to one of your signer roles - to change which role a text box is assigned to, use the drop down at the top left of your template.
The auto-fill text box options include:
Date signed
Full name
Email address
Company name
The additional field options include:
Radio group
Once complete, click Save and you're done!
Syncing with Charlie
On syncing your newly hired candidate with your core CharlieHR, your signed documents will be parsed across into their profile. We have more information on the sync candidate here.