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Setting your temporary working location

Here’s how you can let your team members know where you’ll be working from and see where you can manage your locations

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over a year ago

Working in a different location than usual? Let your team members know by setting a temporary location!

Setting a temporary location from your Home page

  1. Select 'Set Working Location'

  2. Choose the location you’ll be working from

  3. Select the date. If you’ll be working there for more than one day, select the “For more than one day” toggle and choose your end date,

  4. Confirm by clicking Submit

Setting a temporary location from your profile

  1. Select 'Set Working Location'

  2. Choose the location you’ll be working from

  3. Select the date - If you’ll be working there for more than one day, select: 'For more than one day' toggle and choose your end date

  4. Confirm by clicking Submit

All set, now your team members have a better idea of where your are!

Setting a Working Location in the future? Here’s how to see your upcoming locations

In your profile, under the employment tab, select "Manage your locations". Here you can see a timeline of your past, current and future default and temporary locations.

Accidentally set the wrong location or date?

Within the "manage your locations" section, you can also delete a location that you have set.


Can I create a new location?

Only admins and super admins have the permissions to create working locations. Please reach out to your CharlieHR admin if you would like a new location to be added.

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