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Record Work from Home in Charlie

Easily record a Work from Home booking for yourself or one of your team members in CharlieHR.

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over a week ago

If your company has enabled the Work from Home feature in Charlie HR, you can easily request to Work from Home from your Charlie dashboard.

Request a Work from Home day for yourself:

  • From your CharlieHR dashboard select the suitcase 'book time off' icon in the top right corner

  • Select work from home from the dropdown menu

  • Input the dates for your request and the length of your request

  • Click Submit

  • If your company has enabled auto-approve for Work from Home bookings your request will be automatically approved. If your company requires approval from your line manager/team lead they will be notified of your request.

Book Work from Home day for someone else

Super admins/ admins/team leads and line reports are able to book a Work from Home day for their direct reports or team members.

  • Go to the team member's profile

  • Click on their time off tab

  • Click 'Book Time Off' button under their holiday allowance

  • Make sure to select the 'Work from Home' option from the drop menu next to 'Request Type"

  • Inputs the date and length of the booking

  • Click Submit

  • The request will be automatically approved as your are making the booking on the team member's behalf.

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