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Customising your default time off types

Edit your default time off types to suit your business needs

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over a week ago

Note: Only Admins and Super Admins can Customise Default leave settings

There are four default types of time off in CharlieHR. When you create your account, these time off types come with a set of tags that define how these types of time off appear to users, whether they are deducted from a person's leave allowance, and whether they require approval:

  • Sick (non deductible & customisable)

  • Compassionate (non deductible & customisable)

  • Parental (non deductible & customisable)

  • Holiday (deductible & customisable)

If you'd like to adjust the settings relating to these types of time off, you can do so by clicking the pencil icon next to the time off type under Settings>Time Off Types.

  • Sick: can be adjusted to require approval, or display as sensitive*

  • Compassionate: can be adjusted to be auto approved, or display as sensitive

  • Parental: can be adjusted to be auto approved

  • Holiday: can be adjusted to be auto approved

*When booking a sensitive leave request the team member will be shown as 'Away' on the dashboard, in the calendar and in Slack notifications. The original time off name will still be available in the notification emails and on the team member's profile for administrators and managers.

Please note, certain time off type settings are locked to prevent team member holiday allowances from miscalculating.

Once you've selected the relevant time off types settings, simply click 'Update' and the settings will be applied.


How does changing my settings impact historical records or pending requests?

If you change a leave type sensitive, this will apply to all historical records relating to that leave type.

For any pending leave requests, if auto approval is enabled before the request is approved, the request will still require manual approval.

Who will be able to see the leave type even with sensitive settings?

Any Admins and Super Admins will still be able to see the type of leave, but all other team members will see them as "away".

Line managers and team leads should be able to see this info on a team member's profile directly if they're their line reports.

Will I be able to report on sensitive time off types?

Reports are only Available to Admins and Super Admins, and since these permissions have visibility of the leave type regardless of the sensitive settings, reports will be able to pull through the leave type information.

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