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How to Respond to Polls

You can submit your answer to a poll within the Charlie Polls and Surveys feature!

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over a week ago

When your company runs a poll, you will receive a poll launch email. You can then submit your response directly in your Charlie account.

How to access and submit your polls and responses in Charlie:

This can be done two different ways

  1. Click the link in the poll question email which contains a link to bring you directly to the question within your Charlie account (if you are logged in).

  2. Access via your Charlie account

    • Expand 'Engage" on the lefthand side

    • Click on polls and surveys

    • You will then see a list of all your polls

To Submit your answer as a Team Member:

  • Click the name of the poll

  • Click on the icon that best matches your response

  • Done! Your response is anonymously sent to Charlie

To Submit your answer as an Admins/Super Admins:

  • Click the name of the poll

  • Click the 'Your Responses' tab

  • Click on the icon that best matches your response

  • Done!

Note: Once you click on the icon or click 'submit', your answer will be saved and it's not possible to change your selected answer.

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