If you were onboarded using your personal email address, your company domain has rebranded or changed, or you want to change the login email displayed on your contact details just follow these easy steps to update your email address.
Updating your own login email address:
Go to your profile
Select the 'Personal Details' tab
Click the pencil icon to edit
Type in your new email address you wish to use to login
Once you've updated the email address, simply scroll down to click 'save' to save the changes.
To log into Charlie the next time, just input your new login email address with your existing Charlie password. If you are unsure of your password, just follow these steps for a password reset link.
Changing the login email for another user
Note: Only super admins can do this
Select the team member you need from the list on the People tab
Select the 'Personal Details' tab
Click the pencil icon to edit
Once you've updated the email address, simply scroll down and click the 'save' button to save those changes.
Unable to update a login email address?
If you are a super admin and you are unable to update a login email address, this would be for one or two reasons:
The email address is in use by another team member. Email addresses are unique and cannot be used on more than one account, even an archived user. If the same email address has been used by a former employee, a super admin will need to edit this before updating the login email for your current team member.
This can be done by going to the archived team member's profile->details tab and follow the same steps above to change their email address
Once the email address has been changed, the email will be free to use for the new user.
The other reason is if the team member has started, but not finished the onboarding process. For security reasons, it's not possible to update an email address at this time. As soon as that setup is finished, you will be able to make this change