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Adding or changing a start date

Charlie needs to know when an employee started so we can calculate their holiday correctly

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over a year ago

Note: Only Super Admins/Admins/Team Leads can do this.

Start dates are important, particularly for new starters, as Charlie will pro-rate holiday allowances based on the start date that's stored on an individual's profile.

To change someone's start date:

  1. Head to their profile.

  2. Select 'Personal Details' from the tab menu.

  3. In the key dates section, hover over the date you want to change.

  4. Select the calendar icon.

  5. Choose the new date.

To add a new date:

  1. Head to their profile.ย 

  2. Select 'Personal Details' from the tab menu.

  3. In the key dates card, select 'new type'.

  4. Choose a name for the date and 'add date type'.

  5. Select 'add key date' to add this new type and choose a date.

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