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Xero Integration Status

How to know which Team Members have been mapped and if the data has been synced successfully

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over 2 months ago

Note: Only Admins and Super Admins can set integrations up.

Integration Status

You can easily see if data has been transferred between Charlie and Xero and check whether you need to take any steps to manually complete a sync. To see your team member list just navigate to the company section> Integrations , select Xero, scroll down and you'll see the list of all Team Members in Charlie.

Any issues with syncing of information to Xero is shown in the table. Here's a handy guide to help understand the columns better.

Mapping status:

  • Any Team Member in Charlie who has been mapped to an Employee in Xero will be marked as 'MAPPED'.

  • If there has been an issue, it will be flagged as 'NOT MAPPED'. That means you need to make sure that the Payroll ID in Charlie matches the Employee Number in Xero.

Payroll ID:

  • If the Payroll ID in Charlie matches the Employee Number in Xero, Payroll ID is marked as 'SYNCED'.

  • If after the Team Member has been mapped the Payroll ID on Charlie gets edited and doesn't match the Employee Number in Xero anymore, Payroll ID will be marked as 'NOT SYNCED'. That means you'll need to make sure the right Payroll ID is entered for the Team Member.

Personal Information:

  • If the personal information on Charlie successfully gets synced to Xero, it will be marked as 'SYNCED'.

  • If for any reason syncing of personal information fails, it will be marked as 'NOT SYNCED'. By hovering over the error, you'll see a guide on what fields are missing on Charlie. For example, if you are missing the address fields on Charlie, the sync of personal information does not work. That means you need to update the address in Charlie to include all the relevant fields. Adding address information will trigger syncing the information from Charlie to Xero automatically.

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