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Integration for Slack

Integrate CharlieHR and your company Slack for daily updates and notifications

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over 5 months ago

Only admins and super admins can set up the Charlie integration for Slack.

Use Charlie's Integration for Slack to keep your team up-to-date with daily digests, shout-out notifications and more, and keep your admins in the loop with private channel log notifications.

Note: Slack notifications only appear if something is happening at your company, if nothing is going on, or if it's a quiet day with everyone working you won't receive a notification that morning.

How to Set up the Charlie's Integration for Slack

Step one: Enabling Charlie to post to Slack

To begin posting Charlie notifications to either a public or private Slack channel, you’ll first need to connect it to your Slack organisation.

First, go to and click Set Up on the Slack card.

Next, click the ‘Add to Slack’ button underneath the header “Connect your Slack Account”

Follow the steps to sign into Slack and Authorise CharlieHR.

You will then be redirected back to the Charlie integrations page and see that your Notification Bot is connected, if this is not already green please refresh your page.

Congratulations, you’re now connected to Slack!

See the next two sections below to start posting messages.

Step two: Configuring your notifications and channels

Once you have enabled the integration (step above), you can now choose what notifications to receive into which channel. The process for setting this up differs slightly for Public versus Private Slack channels.

Configuring your Slack for a Public channel

Charlie can post daily digests, shout-outs and information updates into public channels.

Daily digests are a snapshot of what's happening in your business which send every morning at 9 AM. Notifications can include: who's away, who's sick, key dates and birthday reminders, so you're always in the loop.

Shoutouts and information updates will post into Slack as soon as they are submitted in Charlie.

Set up:

Scroll down to the ‘Public channel notifications’ section

Click on the dropdown and select the public channel that you’d like to send Charlie notifications to.

Use the checkboxes to select which information you’d like to be sent to send.

Finally, click ‘Save changes’ and you’ll start to receive those notifications in the public channel that you selected.

Configuring your Slack for a Private channel

Connect to a private channel to receive new time off requests, new team member onboardings and/or a daily digest every morning. This is a log of all things happening within your company Charlie account.

Set up:

To connect a private channel, first go to your Slack app and select the private channel you’d like messages to be posted to.

Type “/invite @CharlieHR” (you should see the app suggested as “Not in channel”).

Then press enter to send the command. You should see a notification letting you know that CharlieHR has been added to your private channel:

Now, go back the Slack page in CharlieHR. ( and scroll to the ‘Private channel notifications’ section

You should now be able to select your private channel from the dropdown (please refresh the page if this is yet to appear).

Select your private channel and click ‘Save changes’

You’re now set up to receive useful messages and digests to your private channel.


What time do the Slack daily digest notifications come through?

They come through at 9am GMT or during daylight savings (March-Oct) 8am BST

Is it possible to change the time these notifications come through?

It's not currently possible to customise the notification timing for the Slack daily digest

Can I set up Slack to notify specific line managers or team leads only?

No, the Notification Bot only sends daily digest notifications to a public channel of your choosing.

Why are no notifications coming through to Slack?

Check what notifications you have selected on your Slack integration page, if nothing is happening today at your company that matches the selected notifications, you won't receive a notification for that day.

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