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One-to-Ones Line Managers' Nudge Tool
One-to-Ones Line Managers' Nudge Tool

Using the nudge tool to invite team members to share talking points

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over 10 months ago

Note: Our One to Ones feature is available through our Charlie Plus subscription.

The best way to get team members thinking about their next one-to-one is to provide guidance on some of the topics that will inspire a meaningful conversation.

Charlie’s One-to-Ones tool includes original articles from our community of experts that help with creating talking points on topics like personal development and getting meaningful feedback.

Line Managers' View

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Using the nudge tool line managers can invite their team to share talking points with them. Simply copy and send the link to remind team members ahead of the next meeting to use One-to-Ones. Team members can browse through our advice and share relevant talking points in advance so you can have a more purposeful discussion.

Nudge Tool

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Make sure to send the reminders with enough time to give team members the opportunity to read and research points for discussion. We recommend sending a nudge at least one week before your next one-to-one.

Sitting on talking points you’d like to share? Book in a call to discuss our CharliePlus subscription

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