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Manage and assign tasks using checklists
Manage and assign tasks using checklists

Use Checklists to manage onboarding, off-boarding, training and more

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over a year ago

With our checklists feature, you are able to easily create lists of tasks, link in other users and documents on Charlie and assign these to yourself, your team or new starters. These are a great way to keep track of important jobs, delegate to the team and check in on progress especially when working remotely.

Creating a new checklist

New checklists can be created as company wide templates, which can be saved and applied to any user as relevant. This is perfect for checklists based on set processes, such as a set of tasks for a new hire to complete before their first day, or a list of tools to remove a colleague from as part of your off-boarding process.

You can find your Checklists by expanding the Grow section on the side navigation and clicking on Checklists there.

If a checklist will always be managed by one user, for example your head of IT setting up a new hire's equipment, you can assign this straight when creating the template. If this varies, you can leave this unassigned.

Tip: You’ll find templates for many use cases within the 'Here's some we made earlier section:

You can also create personalised checklists directly from a team member's profile:

To create a checklist:

  1. Head to the relevant person's profile.

  2. Select 'Grow' in the tab menu.

  3. Scroll down to their Checklists

  4. Click the button that says 'Start an Individual Checklist from Scratch.'

  5. Give the checklist a Title eg 'Sales Onboarding'.

  6. Select an owner for the checklist and set a deadline.

  7. Click on 'Save Checklist'.

  8. Select 'New task'.

  9. Create the tasks and select owners.

From here, you can see two additional options to configure - the assigned owner and deadline. The assigned owner is the user responsible for completing the tasks listed. Often this will match the user whose profile the checklist appears on, though it can sometimes differ. For example if you're creating a checklist to be completed before a new hire's first day, and want to notify their manager - set them as the assignee and they'll be notified when it's created.

Adding tasks

A checklist can be as long or short as needed, simply add tasks with self explanatory names - the checklist loses its value if someone has to check in to understand what they need to do. You will also see two more options:

  • Assign a task - this allows you to assign a specific task to a team member. Need your IT manager to set up their email, simply assign them the task. They'll receive an email notifying them.

  • Add an attachment: link company wide docs to checklist templates and team member documents to a team member's personal checklist. Read more here

  • Add a URL hyperlink: Link to a URL within Charlie or another website. Read more here.

Applying a checklist

Once a template is created and tasks have been added, you are able to apply the checklist to any active user within your Charlie account (note: If you created the checklist directly on a team member's profile, this isn't needed.) The checklist will then live on their profile. From here, the checklist owner, team leads and admins are able to keep an eye on progress made.

In short, the owner of the checklist is the one completing the task who you apply the checklist to is the team member's profile where the checklist will live.

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