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Delete your Charlie account

How to cancel your subscription and delete your Charlie account.

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated this week

Note: Only Super Admins can request a deletion and close an account.

Charlie is a monthly rolling subscription with no contracts or notice periods required to cancel. A Super Admin can action a full account deletion from within their Charlie account, this is an irreversible action and will delete all data stored on CharlieHR.

We would recommend requesting a full account export prior to requesting a deletion.

Once you are ready to permanently cancel and delete your account:

  1. Expand the Company tab on the lefthand side

  2. Select the Settings Tab

  3. Scroll all the way to the bottom of the general settings page 

  4. Click 'Please Delete our Account'

    1. You can then click the options in our survey to provide us with some information on why you are closing your account

  5. Click 'Delete our Account'

  6. We will fully destroy your data in your account within 72 hours, you will receive an email confirmation once this has been actioned.

Before you go, we would love to understand why Charlie did not work for you, please email [email protected] with any feedback. 

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