Share your ideas with your business with the company suggestion box.
Submitting a suggestion
To submit a suggestion go to the suggestion box page in the Engage section of the sidebar.
Your company may choose to have the suggestion box anonymous or non-anonymous. The copy on the submission form will indicate whether your submission will be shared with your name or not:
Non-anonymous suggestion submission form
Anonymous suggestion submission form
Once made, this suggestion will be visible to the SuperAdmins in your company. To check who these are, go to the SuperAdmin permission page.
Viewing suggestions
Only SuperAdmins have access to the suggestions feed Engage> Suggestion box > Company Inbox
They will see the suggestions alongside the team member's name if the box was set to 'non-anonymous' when the submission was made.
If the box is set to 'anonymous' at the point of submission, the suggestion will be shared without the team member's identity.
Toggling the anonymity setting
By default, the suggestion box will be non-anonymous.
To encourage more engagement and candor, a Super Admin can choose to change the submissions to be anonymised.
To do this select "Make Anonymous' on the Suggestion box "Company inbox" tab.
If your suggestion box is currently anonymous and you would like to change this, click "Make non-anonymous".
Opening/ Closing the suggestion box
By default, the suggestion box will be open, however if a super-admin wishes to close it they can do so from the Suggestion box "Company inbox" tab.
Simply click 'Close suggestion nox' and the suggestion box page will no longer be accessible to non-super admins.
To reverse this simply click 'Open suggestion box'