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Picture Guidance

File size and dimension guidance for profile pictures, banners and logos in Charlie

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over a week ago

Adding individual profile photos, your company logo and a cover photo help bring Charlie to live, and truly align with your companies' brand.

Team Member profile photo

How to upload:

To upload, click into your profile from the upper left side. Hover over either the blank rectangle or your existing photo until the upload arrow appears. Then click and select the relevant photo from your computer.

  • File Size: Maximum 20MB

  • File Type: JPEG & PNG

Note: Once uploaded, it is not possible to completely remove a profile photo. If you would like to, we recommend uploading a black image in its place

Company Logo

  • How to upload: From the General tab of your company settings

  • File Type: JPEG & PNG

Cover Photo:

  • Recommended image size: 1920x1080px

  • How to upload: General tab of your company settings

Note: this image will always have the blue colour overlay when displayed in Charlie

Onboarding slides

Note: When creating onboarding slides, it is recommend to leave some room at the top and bottom of the images to ensure all content displays correctly.

  • Recommended image size: 1920x1080px

  • How to upload: Onboarding tab of your company settings

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