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Bulk upload CSV formatting help

Help with the CSV for bulk importing or updating team member information

Alexandros Tofarides avatar
Written by Alexandros Tofarides
Updated over a week ago

Note: Only Super Admins/Admins can do this

Supercharge your company setup by importing people's information. To make this process as speedy as possible, follow the formatting guidance below. 

General advice 

  • Make sure you have exported or saved your file as a CSV.

  • The best CSV format to use is: UTF-8 CSV

  • There's no need to fill in the whole template at once. Upload the information you have and upload further CSV imports to add more information later. The only required columns in each form are First name, Last name and Email.

  • To assign a line manager, all three line manager fields must be completed: Line Manager Email, Line Manager First Name, Line Manager Last Name. If the line manager does not exist as a user on Charlie and is not included in the CSV as a new user, a brand new team member will be created.

  • To get any salary information onto Charlie, all four salary fields must be completed: Payroll currency, Current salary amount,  Current salary frequency, Date on which the current salary came into effect.

  • Follow the exact formats given below eg for dates use 21/12/2017 not 21.12.2017

  • Don't add extra columns to the template. There will be nowhere for this information to go.

  • Don't delete any rows or headings.

The required fields

First name
Last name

  • Email addresses must be unique on your company's Charlie account. When data is uploaded alongside an email addresses that is recognised as existing team members, this data will override and update what is currently saved within Charlie.

Send Invite 

  • Set this column to TRUE / FALSE. 

  • TRUE - as soon as you do the import, invitation emails will be sent to the team.

  • FALSE - once you import the information, no invitation emails will be sent to team members just yet.

Columns to pay attention to:


  • Use this column to assign people into teams. 

  • We will add people to existing teams or create a new team if we don't recognise a team name.

Start Date /Date of Birth/ Date on which the current salary came into effect

  • DD/MM/YYYY - good format

  • YYYY-MM-DD - good format

  • MM/DD/YYYY- bad format!

The country formats: ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 format.
See the list:


  • Set this column to TRUE / FALSE.

Payroll Currency 

Current salary amount 

  • Numeric value only eg: 20000

  • No currency sign or commas 

Current salary frequency

  • One of these options in exact format given: Year, Month, Week, Day, Hour, Fixed

Below we have a list of nationalities that are currently available on Charlie.
Please let us know if yours is missing.

Choose one of these available nationality formats:
Afghan, Albanian, Algerian, American, American Samoan, Andorran, Angolan, Anguillian, Antiguan, Barbudan, Argentinean, Armenian, Aruban, Australian, Austrian, Azerbaijani, Bahamian, Bahraini, Bangladeshi, Barbadian, Belarusian, Belgian, Belizean, Beninese, Bermudian, Bhutanese, Bolivian, Bosnian, Herzegovinian, Brazilian, British, Bruneian, Bulgarian, Burkinabe, Burundian, Cambodian, Cameroonian, Canadian, Cape Verdian, Caymanian, Central African, Chadian, Channel Islander, Chilean, Chinese, Christmas Island, Cocos Islander, Colombian, Comoran, Congolese, Cook Islander, Costa Rican, Croatian, Cuban, Cypriot, Czech, Danish, Djibouti, Dominican, Dutch, East Timorese, Ecuadorean, Egyptian, Emirian, Equatorial Guinean, Eritrean, Estonian, Ethiopian, Falkland Islander, Faroese, Fijian, Filipino, Finnish, French, French Guianan, French Polynesian, Gabonese, Gambian, Georgian, German, Ghanaian, Gibraltar, Greek, Greenlandic, Grenadian, Guadeloupian, Guamanian, Guatemalan, Guinea-Bissauan, Guinean, Guyanese, Haitian, Heard and McDonald Islander, Honduran, Hong Kongese, Hungarian, I-Kiribati, Icelander, Indian, Indonesian, Iranian, Iraqi, Irish, Israeli, Italian, Ivorian, Jamaican, Japanese, Jordanian, Kazakhstani, Kenyan, Kirghiz, Kittian and Nevisian, Kuwaiti, Laotian, Latvian, Lebanese, Liberian, Libyan, Liechtensteiner, Lithuanian, Luxembourger, Macedonian, Malagasy, Malawian, Malaysian, Maldivan, Malian, Maltese, Manx, Marshallese, Mauritanian, Mauritian, Mexican, Micronesian, Moldovan, Monegasque, Mongolian, Montenegrin, Montserratian, Moroccan, Mosotho, Motswana, Mozambican, Myanmarian, Namibian, Nauruan, Nepalese, New Caledonian, New Zealander, Ni-Vanuatu, Nicaraguan, Nigerian, Niuean, Norfolk Islander, North Korean, Norwegian, Omani, Pakistani, Palauan, Palestinian, Panamanian, Papua New Guinean, Paraguayan, Peruvian, Pitcairn Islander, Polish, Portuguese, Puerto Rican, Qatari, Romanian, Russian, Rwandan, Sahrawi, Saint Barthélemy Islander, Saint Helenian, Saint Lucian, Saint Martin Islander, Saint Vincentian, Salvadoran, Sammarinese, Samoan, Sao Tomean, Saudi Arabian, Senegalese, Serbian, Seychellois, Sierra Leonean, Singaporean, Slovak, Slovene, Solomon Islander, Somali, South African, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islander, South Korean, South Sudanese, Spanish, Sri Lankan, Sudanese, Surinamer, Swazi, Swedish, Swiss, Syrian, Tadzhik, Taiwanese, Tanzanian, Thai, Togolese, Tokelauan, Tongan, Trinidadian, Tunisian, Turkish, Turkmen, Turks and Caicos Islander, Tuvaluan, Ugandan, Ukrainian, Uruguayan, Uzbekistani, Venezuelan, Vietnamese, Virgin Islander, Wallis and Futuna Islander, Yemeni, Zambian, and Zimbabwean.

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